How to be a Partner

Home About How to be a Partner

Our students are taking their first steps in approaching the cutting edge world of civil engineering and architecture.

They are eagerly developing software proficiencies in AutoCAD, REVIT, Autodesk Inventor, and SketchUp, among other platforms. Additionally, they tackle engineering projects, such as modeling, prototyping, building design, and urban planning, while exploring sketching and gaining literacy in industry-relevant documents including floorplans. They are an exciting, energetic group underrepresented in the field of architecture and engineering, and primed for interaction with industry professionals.

We seek support to help develop the next generation of urban planners, engineers, and architects. The expertise of partners, particularly in the architectural and engineering realms can play a pivotal role in orienting our students to the career possibilities that lie ahead. For example, your career journey can serve both as a personal guide and motivation, while the projects and policies you navigate daily offer a model for the challenges and solutions they will encounter in the future.

As a partner, you can engage in the following ways:

  • Hosting a paid or unpaid intern. City Poly can pay our students to work for you.
  • Presenting at a school-wide Virtual Career Day Event
  • Appearing at a virtual panel to talk about your professional journey, including your challenges and learned life lessons
  • Teach a virtual class!
  • Participate in a virtual professional development workshop such as mock Interviewing, workplace norms, resume writing, etc.
  • Sign up as a member of a crit board to review student work
  • Assign a workplace challenge
  • Invite students to a virtual conference/event you have access to (and attend with them, if possible)
  • Donate materials (textbooks, drafting tables, mechanical pencils, chipboards, foam boards, plexiglass, glass cutters, computers, T-squares, geometry sets, remote learning home kits)

If you are interested please complete the following survey or call our Partnership Survey.

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